Postgraduate Study

The department of Information and Records Management has been running a Masters programme since 1994 and a Doctorate (PhD) programme since 1997. Classes taught within the scope of these courses primarily cover the fields of modern archival studies and information and records management. Graduates from the department of Information and Records Management express an interest in the postgraduate courses as well as graduates from a number of different areas such as business studies, philology and  public administration. A new comprehensive curriculum for the Masters and PhD programmes will run from  the 2014-15 academic  year onwards.

The new curriculum for both the Masters and Doctorate programmes include the following elective courses respectively:



Information Infrastructure in Digital Organisations

Comparative Archives Administration I

Intellectual Capital Management

Collection Management

Ottoman Diplomacy and Paleography

Resource Materials for Rare Books ange

Change Management in Information Centres

Archiving of Electronic Records

Leadership in the Information Age

Modern Management Techniques



Management Information Systems

Records Management Standards

EDMS Design and Anaylsis

Ottoman Library Tradition

Ottoman Bureaucracy and Records Management

Work-Flow Management

Modern Approaches to Records Management

Leadership in the Information Age


This page updated by Information and Records Management on 14.02.2022 11:19:00